We live in an era of persistent creativity and innovations but, in 2020, when juggling everyday work, it can be exhausting trying to keep up with HR developments and future trends in HR.
Does that sound familiar? Don’t worry! To make it easier for you to follow future HR developments, here are some current human resources trends.
The future of ‘Human Resources’
The use of the term HR itself has been inspired by recent HR developments and improvements in the industry, which can help your company turn into a learning organisation. When HR changes, the word should be more aligned with the work being done. For example, the term ‘human resources’ may mean that people can be used just like machines.
You probably have redefined terms such as “People Services”, “Happy Officer”, or “People & Culture” already. The changes must be taken into account so that the current and future essence of HR is reflected. Be alert, however, not to use fashionable words only for the sake of being fashionable! Everyone in your business whom you choose to call an HR Professional must ensure that the title represents the job they do.
HR Trends For 2020:
1. AI in Recruitment
AI-based solutions will create huge disruption to different sectors such as finance, manufacturing, healthcare and transportation in 2020. HR Professionals can avail themselves of the benefits of streamlining various functions of recruitment through it. It will be helpful when an HR department has to deal with a large number of talent acquisitions. Organisations will also embrace and use AI in recruiting and management processes.
2. Time-Saving
Chatbots, the conversational interface platforms, can save you time by answering the most common questions from candidates. Moreover, they speed-up recruitment processes as well. In fact, you can assume that future bots will ask the relevant questions of applicants according to their respective applications. In this way, the list will be shortened quickly.
3. Quicker candidate screening
52% of talent acquisition managers are complaining of the time it takes just to screen the applicants and applications. This is not a quick process. It consumes significant time and effort of an HR person. For a single recruit, the selection and screening of applicants take about 23 hours. However, AI helps to scan large numbers of resumés and applicants based on job descriptions, qualifications and mentioned skills.
4. Standard hiring
Hiring the right candidate is essential for every organisation, and that’s the core responsibility of the HR Manager. Sometimes, they can correctly assess who might be the right applicant, and sometimes they can’t. When future AI recruiting tools are involved in the hiring process, they will provide the selection of quality resumés. Thus, companies will see more successful and skilled candidates in their organisations.
5. Transforming HR by Data Analytics
In the year ahead, data analytics will start to make its presence felt. Analytics can be used to attract and retain top talent among HR practitioners. In the coming year, systematic research will provide endless opportunities to detect trends and patterns on absenteeism, frequency of leave, employee turnover rate, level of commitment and so on.
6. Employee Experience Platforms
Employees today deserve much more than just good pay and an ideal workplace. Employees will not hesitate to evaluate and analyze the business culture, strategies for jobs, growth opportunities, remuneration, etc. on the various job portals like Glassdoor, Indeed, etc.
The need of the hour is, therefore, to improve employee experience. Global human resources experts suggest using innovative HR technology solutions to improve the interaction of their workers.
As Jones Price, a chief recruiter of Academist Help said in a workshop: “Nowadays, due to AI, HR people need to prove themselves more compatible than machines. To ensure this, they have to perform extra, like preparing sheets for each employee’s experiences, views, feedback, and comments according to their positions. Afterwards, insert the collected data into the machine so that machine can generate a quick report which will be considered as efficient as AI.”
7. Continuous Performance Management
For several years, it has been the practice of various authorities to get feedback and check the comments from different levels of staff members. In fact, a huge transformation happened in achieving higher efficiency, increasing employee engagement and growing retention.
We realized this in our 2019 engagement with more than 200 global oganisations in our role as a software provider and industry insider. Companies invest in technologies to enhance their organisational processes and to inspire employees through continuous performance management.
8. On the Job Training
Employees need regular mentorship, training and skills to perform well. Training helps employees a lot. Continuous training develops management skills, adapts workers to the workplace, and trains them for different roles. Numerous organisations send their employees for workshops and training to various educational institutes like King Essay.
During 2020, companies should invest in virtual and enhanced environments, gamification, geofencing, and other technologies to provide their employees with on-the-job training.
9. Feedback Tools to Improve Engagement
Organisations should follow well-considered approaches to enhance staff engagement through developments in HR technology. HR trends in 2020 will encourage the use of techniques, tools and survey platforms for employee involvement in gathering opinions and feedback.
Surveys of employee satisfaction will help you communicate and encourage involvement and competitiveness with your workers. Such engagement mechanisms benefit managers in understanding the concerns of teammates and implementing appropriate strategies to protect their best talents.
Final Thoughts
World HR leaders come up with predictions on new HR trends every year. Our predictions are based on a year-round human resource and technical research and review.
While trends may come and go, do not decide blindly to follow them. Experts suggest that HR Professionals should review annual projections, evaluate what works best for their companies, then explore ways to introduce these.
Melissa Calvert is a Social Science Analyst at Crowd Writer and an expert in personal statement service UK.