Trends in resume writing over time and each trend in the universe evolves. Employers expect job searchers to create resumes in 2022 using a straightforward structure that is logical and easy to read. In addition, employers are currently looking for individuals who can genuinely make a difference, thanks to the considerable increase in demand for exact talent and experience.
While pre-made resume templates can save time while preparing your resume, they rarely impress employers. So if you want to get more interviews in 2022, your resume will require you to be better than before.
We’ve created potential resume examples of the current trends for applicants seeking jobs in 2022 based on careful research of evolving patterns in resumes and company preferences.
Get to the point quickly and concisely
Words and keywords play a significant role in resumes.
Simple language and suitable keywords will effectively communicate your passion.
In addition, action verbs like volunteered, managed, affected and resolved will help your CV stand out.
Make Your Resume Visually Appealing
Visual attractiveness, like any other document, is essential in recruiting employers.
The arrangement, not the colour, is the most critical aspect of a resume.
It’s crucial to use the correct font (Verdana, Arial, or Comic Sans MS) and leave enough space between sides and sections.
Long resumes that are filled with useless material are always less appealing.
As a result, you must ensure that your CV is updated.
Keep in mind that your cv should be tailored to the employer’s job description. Hiring supervisors will be less interested in your resume if it contains irrelevant material.
This indicates that you should not include it in the resume whether you have worked in multiple fields.
Keep your curriculum vitae short, simple and to the point, and use short but significant bullet statements to save the employer’s time.
Ensure that your content is utilising simple language and relevant keywords
Demonstrate to the prospective employer that you will be emotionally educated and have a strong personality that will benefit the firm.
Highlight Your Successes
Mention your achievements and accomplishments. Consider any previous achievements in a similar capacity and include them in a distinct section of your resume.
Make a Statement of Purpose or Professional Summary to Begin
In 2022, a summary or objective statement will be an essential aspect of any resume.
This is expected because companies do not want to view resumes that suddenly begin without a clear direction.
If you hold little or zero work experience, you should begin your resume with a goal statement unless the employer has specifically requested that you do not.
Suppose you have five or more years of professional experience under your belt. In that case, you should provide a professional profile or synopsis that provides a picture of your experience, knowledge, and accomplishments in your application package.
Format Your Resume Clearly
The resume format should be user-friendly and straightforward.
The days of generic styles, pre-built resume patterns, and customisable templates are long gone.
As a result, use a simple resume structure for marketing your candidacy by demonstrating your distinctiveness.
Convert it to ATS Compliant
Although ATS, or computer scanning software, is not new, the following is critical.
Ensure that your resume receives a human after automated tracking systems have accepted it; ensure it contains the keywords and phrases included in the job advertisement.
Choose keywords first from advertisement and enter them in the section for talents, areas of expertise or core competencies.
Do not make grammatical or spelling errors in your writing
While spelling and grammatical errors were never promoted in the past, it is now even more crucial to watch for these problems.
Generally speaking, hiring supervisors are less enthusiastic about a resume that contains grammatical errors.
Add a LinkedIn Connection
On your resume, you should include a link to your LinkedIn profile. The upshot of soundly doing this is that your job application will reach a broad group of more conversational and personable people.
Final Thoughts
Putting just a little extra work into drafting and personalising your resume to receive more job and interviews offers in 2022 will pay off. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical to stay up to date on the latest resume writing trends, especially as the job market becomes increasingly competitive.
A well-written resume that follows current resume writing trends might provide you with an advantage in the job market. If you have previously created your resume, you strongly recommended keeping it up to date. When writing your first resume, keep these resume composing trends in mind to ensure that it stands out from the crowd. If you haven’t generated a resume yet, you should start now.
Michael Clark is a resume writing expert. He loves offering suggestions on how to write
compelling resumes. He has ample experience in the corporate world. Therefore, he comes up
with innovative, trending ideas to make your resume shine throughout.