When you’re hiring developers, a coding test is an excellent way to determine if a candidate is right for the job. You’ll learn more about their skills, thinking, problem-solving, and how they work with others. But what exactly is a coding test interview?
Coding tests are basically assignments given to candidates that require them to write code using common programming languages like Python or JavaScript. They can be written in-person or online from anywhere in the world using tools like GitLab’s CodePipeline platform. The best part about coding tests: there’s no travel required!
Coding tests can help you find the right developer with the right skills
As a hiring manager, you’re looking for candidates with the right skills. Coding tests can help you find them. They will allow you to assess their knowledge of the technology they’ll be working with and how well they can solve problems under pressure. They will also let you see whether or not they can communicate effectively, act as part of a team and work quickly enough when necessary.
Online coding test platforms are more cost-effective and less time-consuming than in-person interviews
Coding tests are a more cost-effective way of hiring than in-person interviews. Coding tests can be done remotely, so you don’t need to send your candidates to the office or travel to meet them. This means you save on travel expenses and hotel costs if they come from outside town.
You also save time by not having to schedule multiple one-on-one interviews. In addition, coding tests are easier for your candidates because they don’t have to wait around in an office all day long for their interview slot with you.
They can complete the test at home or in their office and then leave when it is finished without worrying about missing anything else that day since they won’t be there anyway!
Coding tests save your team time
Coding tests save your team time. You can eliminate the need for lengthy interviews and reference checks, and you won’t have to spend time interviewing candidates who aren’t a good fit. This means less hassle for your recruiting team and more focus on finding the best fit for your company.
When it comes down to it, hiring the right people can be difficult—especially if you’re looking for a developer with specific experience or skills in a particular language or framework.
You will learn more about your candidates
You will learn more about candidates by including coding tests in your recruitment strategy. You can see how they approach a problem and communicate with others, work under pressure, and work when there are bugs or errors. Coding tests can be used as part of the interview process or as a pre-interview exercise.
You can see how developers work under pressure
Online coding test interviews allow you to see how developers work under pressure. When they are tasked with a challenge, you can observe how they think, react and collaborate with their peers. You’ll also be able to examine their ability to communicate clearly, both within the team and externally.
The best part of coding tests is that they’re a great way to understand your candidates better. You can see how they work under pressure, handle difficult bugs (or not), and communicate with others on their team. We hope these tips have given you insight into how to add coding tests to your recruitment strategy!
HR Future Staff Writer